Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Search Engine Optimization - SEO - Part 1 - Introduction

Hi folks! I'm Randima form geek talkz..

Now I'm going to talk something geeky. Since I started this blog I have put several post time to time, and now I thought of making this site famous. For that as you know people have to come to my site, How can I get attention of people mmm..... these are several ideas.

1. Do some stupid or funny stuff and try to make a guinness record and become famous and put my blogs name some where in the middle.
2. Suddenly talk about all the crazy things in the world and become second WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks Cartoon
So on and so forth. I got lot of Ideas in to my mind. But as a geek I thought to do some useful thing. That is DO SOME SEO to my blog. As a google blog I know blogger is having a good support for search engines, buy any way my idea is to do some stuffs while blogging around them.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
Search Engine Optimization, is process of getting traffic from "natural" listings of an Search Engine. A natural listing or in other mean a free or organic listing is a result list that a search engine prepare considering a user search query with the help of it internal algorithms, basically not paid or sponsored results are treated as natural results.

Basic facts for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
OK then, now we are going to talk about what are the main facts affect your page being high rank in search engine. In a nut shell if your page has genuine (not copied form else where) content chances are high you end up with a high ranking on results. Because this in continuously changing area there are no ground rule as such. Anyway there are several fact that determine the rank or the position of your site in the search resluts.

Most Important facts for Search Engine Optimization.

1. Words - Words in your articles or in your page content matters a lot.

2. Page Titles - The title of each page, and the relevancy of the content in that page to the title is also matters a lot.

3. Links - Links form other site to your site is matters a lot, but keep in mind fake links form link farms kind black hat SEO techniques will be a hinder.

4. Words in Links - Word in those links also matters a lot. As an example there is the word "search engine" in the link and support it leads to Google, then the search engines will try to build the relation between search engine and the Google site, which will be an advantage to the site, like wise.

5. Reputation - Reputation of your site as a genuine content provider will also make your site a rising star.    

Types of SEO Techniques.

black hat vs white hat SEO
Black Hat vs White Hat in SEO

Basically there are tow types of SEO techniques, some people categorize them as White Hat SEO (treated good) techniques and Black Hat SEO (treated not good, most of the time decrease the rank due to modern algorithms in search engines) and techniques. Whatever the color of the hat I found that those techniques are very interesting to learn ;). So from this point onwards we will try to find what are the white hat and black hat techniques out of there for Search Engine Optimization.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Codeignitor Session Example

Hi folks!, This simple post will explain Codeignitor session management in a vary simple coding example. In the first controller (s1.php) the sessions will be created. The send controller (s2.php) will print the session data and destroy previously added data. The third controller will again try to print the same data.


 /*the first loading function*/
 function index(){
  echo "S1";
  $session_id = $this->session->userdata('session_id');
  echo "Session Id: ".$session_id;
  /*create session variable*/
  $data = $this->session->userdata('uname');
  echo "Newly Created Session var: ".$data;
  /*go to anotherpage link*/
  echo "<br>< a href=\"".base_url()."index.php/s2"."\">s2<a>";


 /*the first loading function*/
 function index(){
  echo "S2";
  $session_id = $this->session->userdata('session_id');
  /*get data from session and print*/
  $data = $this->session->userdata('uname');
  echo $data;
  /*destroy session*/
  /*goto another page link*/
  echo "<br>< a href=\"".base_url()."index.php/s3"."\">s2<a>";


 /*the first loading function*/
 function index(){
  echo "S3";
  $session_id = $this->session->userdata('session_id');
  /*get data from session and print*/
  $data = $this->session->userdata('uname');
  if( isset($data) && !empty($data)){
   echo "Session Data: ".$data;
   echo "Sesson data not found!";

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to unlock Huawei USB modems

Recently I got the chance to play with a Huawei Dongle. That dongle was locked and I job was to unlock it. I know it is not a big deal, but I took some screen shots and took some notes since I was not able to do a post recently on my blog. OK then that is the story lets do some hack!! ;)

Firstly this is what happen when a dongle is locked for a particular service provider. When we insert a SIM form another service provider it will show a message like the below one.

I taught of a method for unlocking the dongle, I came with a solution and when I do some Google searches people out there has also used the same analogy. What is done by the service providers is they take modem form a third party vendor like Huawei of ZTE and the lock it for their SIM and the sell it. Therefore I taught that updating the firmware will do the magic. My taught was correct buy there was a little problem ;). After modifying the firmware the vendor put a password. When I tried to update the I had to give a password. I do some Google searches and found out some very interesting tool and web site which provide the Unlock code and the Flash code when we provide the IMEI number of the dongle which is printed on it.

Let's look at some jargon.

IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity - Used as an identification code for a wireless mobile device like a mobile phone or a dongle.
Unlock Code - As the name implies use for locking and unlocking purposes.
Flash Code - firmware or flash unlock code is required when upgrading the firmware version of a modem

Note that here our interest will be the Flash code since, we are going to unlock the modem. I used the little application call Universal Master Code (do a Google and you will be able to download it) to get the Unlock code and the flash code for the modem. There are several web sites which will offer the same feature. Following shows a screen shots of those.

Then I update the firmware for my dongle. The firmware related to your one can be download (Again do a simple Google search ;) ).

Some of the steps are shown in following screen shots. Please note that you have to use the Flash Code for update purpose, not the Unlock code .

Use the Flash Number as the above password.

At last .... 

Your comments and inquiries are well come on this topic.. Mmm.... I wonder how that simple application calculate those codes.... Is there any algorithm?? It will be interesting to find. I think it is better try to reverse engineer that app and look our selves what is hidden in that application.. That will be an interesting upcoming post... Be with GeekTalkz!! bye!!